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Race, Inclusion, and Equity in the Classroom: A Collection of Resources for Teachers


       Six years ago, while completing my introductory Masters course in Adult Education and Community Development, I explored the topic of white privilege and my own unearned position in society for the first time.  I became enlivened by the people I read about who were aware of their privilege but did not feel guilty or the need to be defensive, rather used their privilege responsibly, and attempted to right the systemic imbalances in our world.  The problem arose when I searched for activities for our in class presentation and found nothing more then a few discussion questions and the classic “Power Circle” (see,, but little else.  


       I decided that for my last Masters course, Holistic Approaches to Information Technology, I would find activities for teachers on this important and often ignored topic even if it meant hours of searching.  To my surprise I found a plethora of resources geared toward equity, inclusion, community, and acceptance.  I think many of these activities are a pathway to becoming aware of privilege and I have tried to provide some of the best examples, as well as introduce storytellers and academics who helped mold what I believe.  I expect this page to grow, do not hesitate to contact me if you have something to add.


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